Friday, December 4, 2009

What a coinsidence that Obama talks about lipstick on a pig and an Old smelly fish in the same sentence????

How can you not think this was a straight one-two punch to Palin and McCain??

Don't you think that a smart person like Obama would off refrain himself from this if he really didn't want to start this fuzz ??

Look at the crowd...They laughed really hard cause they knew it was a link at both Palin and McCain. You can see that Obama is frustrated and panicking about the recent polls. He's showing his rookie sideWhat a coinsidence that Obama talks about lipstick on a pig and an Old smelly fish in the same sentence????
Obama is slinging the insults.

Obama does that when he gets behind in the polls.

Obama is very sexist and condescending toward strong women. Obama feels threatened by strong women like Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin.

During the primaries when he was behind Hillary in the polls, during a debate with Hillary Obama pretended to scratch his cheek with his middle finger, making an obscene gesture toward Hillary Clinton.What a coinsidence that Obama talks about lipstick on a pig and an Old smelly fish in the same sentence????
Its just a saying many people use.

';I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.'; 鈥?John McCain, in reference to Hillary Clinton's health care plan, last year.

';George Bush has given a mission to General Petraeus, and he has done his best to try to figure out how to put lipstick on a pig.'; 鈥?Barack Obama, last year.

';Or as we say out in our home state of Wyoming, you can put all the lipstick you want on a pig, but it's still a pig.'; 鈥?Dick Cheney, 2004.

';It's all about withdrawal or not withdrawal, okay? I mean that's what it's all about. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.'; 鈥?John McCain, last year.

';You can put lipstick and earrings on a hog and call it Monique, but it's still a pig.'; 鈥?Texas Gov. Ann Richards.

';John Kerry tries to put a bunch of fancy, fancy talk...but there is nothing you can do to really -- to really obscure that record. You can try, though. And in Wyoming, we've got a saying for what it is when you keep trying to make something that's not so good look good, we call it putting lipstick on a pig.'; 鈥?Lynne Cheney, 2004.

';It gets down to whether you support what's being done in this new strategy or you don't. You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig in my view.'; 鈥?John McCain, last year.
What a coincidence that McCain's policies are Bush's with a little cosmetic touch up and that they smell a little old and stale. Like a fish that has been wrapped up in a newspaper for eight years.

Have you never heard these expressions before? do you need to go back to American Lit. 101? Is this the low level the Republican party has sunk to? Is this all you've got? John McCain has used this expression himself in reference to Hilary Clinton's campaign.

Take a look.鈥?/a>

This is nothing more than yet another sidetrack that McCain and Palin themselves will not touch because it is a non issue. Neither one of them has spoken a word about it mainly because it is ludicrous. If this is what you call an issue your party doesn't have a chance. Palin will be deconstructed tomorrow on national television. She won't have her handlers to protect her. Enjoy the show!
actually,Oh! Bama is using the lipstick pig to draw attention away from his changes that he seems to refuse to tell anyone about his mystery changes he plans to execute.He is grabbing at straws,trying to cast shadows on his opponents to hide his true agenda.It isn't for the betterment of America,he and his wife are not all that proud of the country.
what i saw was him responding to the silly idea of palin and mccain being mavericks and agents of change. we all know they are puppets with rove holding the strings from their backs. he has to respond, just cant let the get away with lies, and swiftboated like kerry was in 2004
you are ignorant and you couldn't be more wrong!

i'm sure if he said lipstick on a horse or if he was talking about a donkey or a frog or a bear you unintelligent republicans woulda made up some more lies about that too!

all you republicans are good at, is lying your a$$es off!
Even if it was, who cares?

Are they so thin skinned that this type of comment is going to be a major issue?

How are they going deal with Putin, Chavez, or Ahmadinejab, if they can't handle this?

You gotta admit---when you can't win on issues, all you have left is character assassination. I've come to expect it from the republican party.
Nope, tax plan plus Palin pit bull-lipstick comment does not equal calling Palin a pig but it has successfully been spun that way. What do you expect from people that so easily believe any lie?
If you liked that joke you'll love this one.鈥?/a>
As a moderate I saw nothing wrong with the comment at all. What troubles me is that people do not have the mental capacity to decipher a simple metaphor.
Read into it whatever you think about Palin and McSame. XD
He could relate the fish comment to his wife. I bet she smells like a dead fish.
And that's why I'm voting for him. Go Obama!
desperation is a son of a ***** huh...he knows he is losing and can't stand it
my opinion of him just keeps getting worse and worse.

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