Friday, December 4, 2009

McCain camp making ';lipstick on a pig line'; an old expression a SEXIST REMARK now...Low or what?

It was intended for Palin--he was calling her a pig. It was not intended for McCain. Yes, it is an old expression--and yes Obama meant it as an insult and a sexist remark against Palin. You may want to look up the meaning of the line. McCain isn't fighting dirty. This is what the Dem's did to Hillary, and now they are doing it to Palin. They do not like women in power. ***McCain camp making ';lipstick on a pig line'; an old expression a SEXIST REMARK now...Low or what?
Hey, they're not the ones that said it. Let's put it this way -- Obama doesn't write his own speeches. His speech writers do that. They KNEW that Sara Palin made her bulldog/lipstick joke less than a week ago at the Republican convention, and that there was a risk that a reference like that would be interpreted as an attack on her. They chose to do it anyway for whatever reason -- and now they're paying the price.

It's not the Republicans you should be pointing the finger at -- it's the people behind Obama's campaign for making such a poor decision at this point in his campaign. He's already down 53%-41% with female voters to McCain... Making that comment certainly wouldn't GAIN him anymore female voters. But I'll make a bet with you-- it certainly did LOSE him a bunch this evening...McCain camp making ';lipstick on a pig line'; an old expression a SEXIST REMARK now...Low or what?
Palin started it by saying, ';The only difference between a soccer mom and a pit bull is LIPSTICK!'; This is a repulsive remark for anyone to say about themselves. I do not want a pit bull leading the nation. The only thing they can do is be a pit bull and take a big chuck of your flesh. The Republican Party has already been responsible for taking a big chunk of our literal flesh (jobs, resources, young men and women in war, ). No, we don't need anyone who announces themselves as such. We are in very critical times--- people are losing jobs daily, food prices are escalating, and more soldiers are dying--- what has lipstick got to do with that? --- Toni D.
No, Sarah Palin made a joke at the convention about the difference between a Hockey mom and pit bull, Hockey mom wears lipstick. That joke is in everyone mind not it being an old expression. I never heard of it. My husband never heard of it. No one I work with ever heard of it.

To the one that said she started it by joking about soccer mom and pit bull, it was Hockey Mom (which she is) and pit bull. Get the facts straight.
It's an old expression... and it's true... same like, if it walks like a duck, acts like duck, it's a duck....

There is nothing wrong with the old saying... it has nothing to do with being sexist... they are really grabbing at straws here.... funny the one waving around the sexist flag, is the one who encouraged his wife to join in the Miss Buffalo Chip Contest....
McCain has used the phrase too, in reference to Hillary's proposals. If you expect an apology from Obama, then McCain needs to apologize first.


McCain criticized Democratic contenders for offering what he called costly universal health-care proposals that require too much government regulation. While he said he had not studied Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's plan, he said it was ';eerily reminiscent'; of the failed plan she offered as first lady in the 1990s.

';I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig,'; he said ...

Whether it is low or not it is startlingly hypocritical considering McCain used the same expression earlier in the campaign.…
She obviously ';owns'; the word ';lipstick'; and currently has her lawyers working with Donald Trump to get the copyright to that and the term ';you're fired';.

Next thing, ratted hair. I went thru that phase in 8th grade, but I still could be sued.

To answer your question, they are not only low, but parading that chippy around like she's a plaster saint.

...i dont see how this statement is insulting, when palin described herself as a pitbull with lipstick...besides, mccain has no ground to stand on. complaining about sexism, this is exactly why he chose a woman as vp, so he could throw the sexism card around...the old man is laughable...
He's a hypocrite talking about that line with indignation. He is fighting dirty considering he used the very same line on Hillary not very long ago. Either he fighting dirty or is getting senile and doesn't remember doing that. Either way, it's not good.

Both are fighting dirty WE ARE SCREWED 08. I don't trust either man how about talking about something like facts are getting this country into shape. Instead of cowardly attack and worrying about what the other does. Get something accomplished instead of fingerpointing.
Obama opened his mouth and inserted his foot, and now he has to answer for that.

What happened to the candidate of CHANGE? I thought he was above the old style attack politics?
McCain is a sexist. Check his voting record on woman's issues. Couldn't he have picked a qualified candidate instead of a beauty queen.
It's old expression meaning that you can make superficial changes to an undesired product, but it's still the same product.

Good God, what a bunch of oversensitive whiners!

hmmm, you mean like how Obama brought up his recently acquired ';blackness'; several times, and when someone finally responded, HE cries ';racism';.....
McCain knows a little something about Sexism...

Callin his wife an C*unt and calling Chelsea C.ugly... yep...

He's a hypocrite... just like ALL the rest of Republicans.
it dosent make a damn bit of difference, all this campaign drama is BS look at the map for the electoral college %26amp; see who will win

Well naturally since Sarah Palin said lipstick, Obama can't say lipstick. IT'S SEXIST!!
McCain has used that line on camera more than once. Making a stink about it is going to come back and bite him.
Obama should visit a pig pen, maybe he will get some intelligent votes
Republicans are a bunch of sour cry baby wusses.
Sooo low all Mccain does it use dirty attacks.
Yes, I heard McCain was so pissed he broke Cindy's other arm.
OBAMA 08!!!!
republicans aren't too smart
I agree, he played the woman card. He's gotta face the consequences.
I'm soooo sick of McCain and that ***** Pain. I meant Palin.
It's a damn shame we're in a jackA$$ war and this is what people are complaining about.

Grow up Palin whiners!!!!
McLame doesn't have a chance so he is desperate!
Grow up. The comment was not aimed at McCain and if a republican had said something like that about Hillary or Michelle there'd be hell to pay. Pay attention to the BS being put out by the Obamanators and convince me that it isn't unbased malicious shuck and jive. It'll be much more apparent to you when you actually grow up, if you actually grow up that is.

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