Friday, December 4, 2009

Is a 72 year old Republican and a pit bull with lipstick really what we need right now to lead our country?

Why is that that Obama, a man that consistently rallies for ';change'; in the government, would pick a man with 35 years in the senate as a face for ';change?';

Hillary Clinton was right when she endorsed McCain over Obama, because all Obama has is a speech from 2002.

Look for yourself...鈥?/a>

Now that Obama has offered to help pay off Hillary's $20 Million in campaign debt, she's on his side. It sounds like Barak is very versed in the traditional way of doing politics in Illinois. I don't see any ';change'; there.

The only hope for positive change lies with McCain.Is a 72 year old Republican and a pit bull with lipstick really what we need right now to lead our country?
Yes, McCain has shown in his campaign that he is a lot better strategist, leader and politician than Obama. Let me explain.

A few weeks ago Obama had the lead in the polls and was well on his way to the White House. All he had to do was choose the right VP and he failed. If Hilliary would have been his choice, it would have united the democratic party which was split because of the primaries. Instead of getting the person who got as many votes as he did in the primaries and uniting his own party and widened his lead he chose Biden. His campaign slogan was about change, he chose a VP that is a lifelong Washington insider and who's son is a lobbyist. This pretty much undermined his change campaign and left the door open to McCain. The choice shows that he was not able to unite his party and give them what they wanted. If he can't make desicions that are right for his own party, how is he ever going to work with republicans in congress to get his agenda passed. He can't.

On the contrary a few weeks ago McCain was behind in the polls and didn't have the backing of the right wing of the republican party because of his moderate views. He chose a VP candidate that united his party and got the right wing to support him. He chose someone who was not a Washington insider and has been able to distance himself from the current administration and take away the mantra of change from Obama. He has defined his change by saying he is going to clean up Washington of politics as usual. This is the kind of change American's have wanted for years and his VP has a history of doing that in her state. His choice also has the chance to get some women voters who would have voted for Hilliary. I know that not many Hilliary supporters would vote for McCain just because he has a woman on his ticket but some will. I am sure that some women were going to vote for Hilliary just because she is a woman, just like some people will vote for Obama because he is black. Those women will vote for McCain because it is their chance to vote for a woman. This has energized McCain's campaign and closed the gaps in the polls.

If you look at the desicions by the candidates you can tell that John McCain is a better leader and stratigegist that Barack Obama. Barack was unable to unite his party and define his position of change. McCain was able to unite his party and define change that American needs and wants. Is a 72 year old Republican and a pit bull with lipstick really what we need right now to lead our country?
Yes they are,they have a plan and know the issues.They will stick to their beliefs and will do what is needed to help us out of this economic slowdown.

The other party is prone to changing their mind on issues as their popularity drops.It is a bad trait to follow the consensus.Sometimes the right decision isn't always a popular one.
Yes...I do. I trust McCain and Palin to do the right thing, especially concerning the war. Remember, Palin's son was just deployed to Iraq. Don't you think she wants her son to come back home soon? and alive?

BrewerB: You're entry is just wrong...VERY FUNNY...but wrong. :)
no we need a muslim who hasnt voted on most of the issue while he was in the senate. and of course a first lady that hates everything about the country
Better than the alternative.
Better than a closet terrorist with an extra from planet of the apes for a wife.
it is better then the alternative
NO WAY. He is a sell out and she is just a dancing bear who is only allowed to read off of prepared script.
I'll take the 72 year old and the pitt bull.
How in the you get lipstick onto a pit-bull?
Is an America hater that will bow down to our enemies?
Much better than a socialist, wouldn't you say? I would!
hell no! they want to make all our choices for us! we dont need 4 more years of the last 8 years! what happened to freedom?

Yes, but the 72 year old Republican we need is Reagan.

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