Friday, December 11, 2009

HELP HELP HELP!! OMG! My 2 year-old daughter got a hold of lipstick, (damn you Halloween!) and squished it..?

into THE COUCH! the couch that my MOTHER-IN-LAW gave us, and she's coming in like three hours!!!! PLEASE SOMEONE GIVE ME THE ANSWER!!!--------%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;


It's at the arm-rest of course, just perfect, because only the damn seat cushions are removable....I'M F----ING DEAD! HELP ME!! 3hrs...that's all I've got.HELP HELP HELP!! OMG! My 2 year-old daughter got a hold of lipstick, (damn you Halloween!) and squished it..?
Scrape as much as you can off of the fabric. Do you have any make-up remover? Try some on a hidden area of the couch, then try it on the lipstick if it doesn't cause a color change on the hidden area. Blot, blot. blot with a clean cloth until you get up as much as possible. If you use Dawn dishsoap, mix the soap with equal amount of water and apply with a cloth. Work from the outside to the inside of the stain. Dawn cuts grease, and lipstick has a lot of oils (grease) in it.

If it still looks a mess, use something to cover the armrests....doilies, placemats that could function as armrest covers, napkins, etc. If you have time to make a run to Walmart, they have all kinds of napkins and such, so that you can find something that matches the couch. Then hit the fabric department and get those teeny fabric tacks that screw in to the couch and screw the napkins or whatever onto the couch.

I'm praying for you!HELP HELP HELP!! OMG! My 2 year-old daughter got a hold of lipstick, (damn you Halloween!) and squished it..?
Sometimes there are fabric carpet cleaner sprays. If you have it, try using it. Use makeup remover, or something. You need to get it out quickly, before it stains! Try putting water on it and blotting it dry (not rubbing!) But if she's coming in three hours, it won't be entirely gone by then...if the lipstick really clashes with the couch, that is. So, take some decorative towels (or go out to the store and buy some!) and drape them over both arms of the couch. When your mother in law enquires about it, just say the arms get worn out quickly on couches (they really do!) and you wanted to save those.

Or, you could try telling her the truth...who knows, maybe she'll even know how to get it out! But you know your mother-in-law better than I do, so it's up to you to decide if that would be wise or not.
In the past I've used hairspray on clothes. Saturate and blot with a white cloth/paper towel, don't rub. Ah, just think, this is the easy age when you can still ';control'; them!!!!! LOL Seriously though I've gotton lipstick on blouses and suits and the hairspray thing does work. Also, if it doesn't, just put a decorative throw over the arm -- be forwarned though the lipstick could rub off on the throw. Good Luck.
use rubbing alcohol or Lestoil

here are a couple links for you鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Perhaps using cold cream will work?

Blot, don't rub or you will just smear it.

or check this out:

how to get lipstick out of carpet.
awwwww all babies love makeup from a young age

UMM use like a covering on it. Or wash it with some soap ! Its lipstick, there is no solution. COver it up some cloth
spray the lipstick with hair spray leave for 5 min. and wipe off with a baby wipe

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