Friday, December 11, 2009

Parents- Why do some of you think it's cool to slap lipstick on your five-year-old daughter and parade her

around as if she were an adult?Parents- Why do some of you think it's cool to slap lipstick on your five-year-old daughter and parade her
Because their own lives are shallow and meaningless and the only way their fat asses can feel attractive is if their progeny is paraded around in sultry outfits. And they are vicariously living through the beauty of their children and they get off on it. Sick twisted people!Parents- Why do some of you think it's cool to slap lipstick on your five-year-old daughter and parade her
I don't think it's okay. Let little girls be little girls. I think it looks horrible when a child has make-up and high heels. It's sexualizing them in a way.
I don't get it, of course I don't wear make up either.
They're called ';Momagers'; and they're trying to pimp their daughters into earning salaries that will bring them the big bucks and glamorous life they could never get on their own. Ech. They're awful!

...Mrs. Lohan, I'm talking to YOU!
I don't know anyone that does that.
l don't, l think it's horrible. l'm sure most parents agree.
its not that bad they think its cute. If the child doesn't like then thats wrong. I mean its kind the last chance when they get to see their child trying to be an adult.
Well now that is not what we do....My daughter gets to wear some of my makeup (tastefully) around the house when she is playing dress up. She knows that its only for grown ups to wear everyday and for her its just a fun treat. And if we happen to leave the house, it's pretty obvious that she's not being paraded around when she's wearing ballet slippers with a princess gown and a tutu slipped over it! She's just having fun!
I have no idea. but those parents should be shot. Children should be children, not eye candy for pedophiles.
For some reason when people have children they think it's an extraction of themselves instead of an individual human being and live vicariously through their child.
Some people think it's cute, make little ones feel all grown up like there parents for a few seconds.

it's just like little girls who pretend to shave their face so they can be more like daddy.
My daughter is 3 and she likes to wear my chapstick
I dont know why some people do this, i guess most of the time when kids are pushed into things like this by their parents it is because they are pushing the kid towards dreams etc that they wanted for themselves. I think its disgusting though, kids should be allowed to be kids. Luckily i live in the UK and this doesn't happen so much around here, i think beauty pageants are more of an american thing.
I have no idea why they do that. I mean it's one thing to play dress up at home with your daughter, but it's a bit different to take them out like that.

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