Friday, December 4, 2009

I caught my 17 year old nephew trying on my lipstick, what do I do?

It was really odd, I don't think he does this all the time but my brother is really homophobic I don't want to cause a problem and my nephew is now afraid to go home, for fear that he might find out, should I tell my brother or let it go?I caught my 17 year old nephew trying on my lipstick, what do I do?
He is so close to 18, just let it go. All it can do is cause hurt feelings for everyone involved if you tell so there is no point in it.I caught my 17 year old nephew trying on my lipstick, what do I do?
Why the hell would you want to tell your brother, knowing damn well he wouldn't be at all accepting of something like this, and may even get violent with the boy?

If you actually give a damn about the boy, you could try making your home a safe space where he can be himself and have the room to slowly explore exactly who he is as a person, which is, unfortunately, something he will never have in his own home.

Or you could rat him out to his idiot father for no good reason and possibly get him beaten and/or thrown out. Your call.
all you need to do is be there for your nephew, give him the support system that he may need if his dad doesnt take it well (if he does come out as gay, he very well could be trying out for a KISS cover band)

his dad needs to get his head out of the sand and get over his homophobia, the world would be a much better place with out it, and there is no place for it in 2009
Your should be wondering whats wrong with your brother for being such a homophob.

Why would he create such an untrusting unsafe enviornment for his children?

What you should do is tell your nephew that there is nothing wrong with him, and that you love him and except with all his curiosities. Be they just curiosities or a lifestyle choice.

he needs somewhere safe to be able to talk.
Your brother is homophobic and you think you should possibly tell him?


First off, lipstick does not mean gay. Plenty of straight people are cross dressers and plenty of little emo kids wear make up as well.

Second, if it will cause a problem between them, what gives you the right to do that?
let it go - if your going to talk to your nephew you could just put his mind at rest that you won't mention it to anyone especially his parents, he's young and just experimenting e and he'll be an adult soon, everyone is entitled to a private life and private things that they don't want anyone else to know about
wearing lipstick does not make you gay, it makes you a transvestite maybe, but not gay.

Tell him not to use your lipstick, that is unhygienic.
Dont worry all that you should be worrying about is if he isd wearing the right shade lol
Make sure he gets a shade that suits him

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