Friday, December 4, 2009

My 1 year old daughter got my red lipstick all over her beautiful dress I just bought. How can I get it out?

I've already washed it twice but it still has most of it.My 1 year old daughter got my red lipstick all over her beautiful dress I just bought. How can I get it out?
Lipstick is a dye in an oily base. Therefore, a solvent based remover is the only type that will remove it. Water based or wet spotters will only spread and set the stain.

1. Rub in vegetable or mineral oil onto the affected areas and allow it to soak for 15 minutes.

2. Blot excess oils with an absorbent paper towel or terry cloth rags.

3. Then sponge in a solution of 50% ammonia with water (unless the fabric is silk or wool).

4. Rinse thoroughly with cool water and wring out.

5. Sponge remaining affected areas liberally with isopropyl rubbing alcohol.

6. Apply laundry pre treat and launder washables in hot water.

7. HOWEVER, a little lipstick contains a lot of dye in even a small particle. A VALUABLE PIECE OF ADVICE is to take your laundry to a professional with a stain removal expert at your local Laundromat or dry cleaners.

Note: Always test an inconspicuous area for colorfastness, etc. before treating the exposed area. Also note that certain stains are permanent.My 1 year old daughter got my red lipstick all over her beautiful dress I just bought. How can I get it out?
Dissolve some OXICLEAN in boiling water in a large mixing bowl (one scoop should suffice), then add enough warm water to cover it, place dress into bowl and soak overnight. Wash in washing machine as you would normally.

*The Oxiclean MUST be totally dissolved for this to work.*

I have gotten out very old stains with this method when all other hope seemed lost, and even saved some clothes destined for the trash.
About a year ago my daughter got black Sharpie all over herself. I tried everything but nothing took it off except for Shout Wipes.

Or you can always take it to a dry cleaner.
You might have set the stain already by washing it twice but if you didn't I think you should take it to the dry cleaners and let them take care of it!!! GOOD LUCK
Stain Stick by spray n wash.
try pressing lightly with wax paper on top with a cool iron...

hopefully you can buy a new dress just like it it doesn't work.
what kind of fabric is it?? that would help alot

i dont want to tell you to iron something that will melt or scrub it off a fabric that will just make it worse
oh no, that sucks. hopefully when you washed it, you didn't do it in a way that ended up 'setting' the stain into the dress. i think that the Shout, spray n wash sprays really do work. you might need to keep spraying it and rubbing the solution in for maybe three days. i've had many stains that have come out after constant spraying, rubbing in, and soaking of the spray stuff
Tide with bleach wet the dress rub the powder all over it scrub it rince with hot water keep repeating it'll take a while with it but it definately works I used it in the same purpose only it was brand new carpet and red lipstick!!!!!
get to store get SHOUT (brand name)

action gel (underneath brand name)

(small red bottle) says fight 70% more stains right on bottle

well it really does work on almost anything worked on ink for me and paint so it should work on lipstick lol!!

good luck

tell us if it works

oh my goodness please dont do goo gone it doesnt work trust me its really just a gooey mess
Goo Gone available at most hardware stores.

However if you have put it through the dryer you have set it in and you have quite a task ahead.

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