Friday, December 4, 2009

Do you think it's ok for a 12 year old to wear eyeshadow, lipstick and have eyebrows waxed?

My neice is wearing eyeshadow, lipstick and having her eyebrows waxed,

is this acceptable for a 12 year old.

She does appear older than she is.

I just get concerned she is rushing into growing up too early,

thanks.Do you think it's ok for a 12 year old to wear eyeshadow, lipstick and have eyebrows waxed?
I personally dont think its ok.Do you think it's ok for a 12 year old to wear eyeshadow, lipstick and have eyebrows waxed?
No....I think 12 is much too young to be wearing any kind of makeup. Nail polish would be okay, but nothing else cosmetically! She's just a child, for crying out loud!
My 13 year old wears eyeshadow and gets her eyebrows done,they all wear it now even going to school,its not a big deal,mind you my 19 year old never wears any make up never.
Eyebrows - does she already have the unibrow going?? A friend of my daughters had extremely dark and thick hair, and by 8 had a unibrow. By 9 she was seeing the beautician getting them waxed. Not shaped or thinned, just cleaned up and letting her look like the cute girl she was.

As for the eyeshadow and lipstick... no. Someone needs to emphasize her natural beauty and let her know how beautiful she is without all of the ';goop';. For her Bday, my 12 year old got to pick out a tinted lipgloss. That's it for makeup. And, believe it or not, most boys worth having don't like the girls with all of the makeup! (You should hear how they talk about the girls who do!!)
Hm this is hard to answer, but I guess it depends firston how it looks. Some girls have a lot more facial hair then others, and honestly it would look atrocious if they did not get hteir eyebrows waxed. if she does get them waxed,s he should only get them waxed as for them to clean her eyebrows, not shape them or anything. Eyeshadow, well it depends on what color and how much of it. If she's wearing bright colors and huge amounts of it, then maybe not. But a little bit of natural color on her lids isn't bad. As for the lipstick, I think anyone under 18 should just stick to gloss.

As long as she doesan't look older then she is, I think it's fine. But I've seen 12 years olds parading around like they were 17, and that's bad.

GL! Hope I could help!
depends on what kinds of long as its natural looking colors then its ok

lipstick...again, it depends on the color...

eyebrows...its ok
Not unless the parents want to be grandparents anytime soon
No way. Waxing the eyebrows is going too far at that age.
dnt thnk tht its rite coz she is nt even a teenager ....
well if you want her to appear as a ho to every paedophile out there then it's ok

to be honest, eye brows are fine, but make-up looks funny on little girls' faces

if i were you, i would probably just try to explain it to her

but i wouldn't force it on her because teens will want to do whatever you don't want them to do

my parents would just tell me stories about other people and and kinda bring out funny or scary sides of them

it worked well most of the time because they 'kinda' left the choice up to me
I think girls grow up to quickly. I am 23 years old and was shocked to see11 year olds running around in eyeshadow and short shorts. Girls can be girls. They are forced to be women to early. The eyebrows wax is ridiculous. She couldn't possibly be having hair grow that fast! And lipstick..heck I don't even do that. Gloss is the rage. LOL Why can't ppl just let them be kids. I remember my friend got to wear makeup and shave way b4 I did. I thank my parents for making me wait. It changed me completely and made me the person I am today. It is how I met my hubby. (He found me attractive because I didn't wear all that makeup)
10 is when girls really start getting in to makeup so at 12 i think that eye shadow and lipstick is very normal. eyebrows waxed. i think thats a little grown up. if shes started a new school or met some new girls she might be trying to impress them. hope this helps
I think she should only be wearing mascara and lipgloss...she'll regret waxing her brows when she gets older! 12 yr old girls should act like 12 yr old girls but they all want to grow up faster now a days...
Of course it is.

She just wants to show her maturity.
Nope. No lipstick, no waxing, no eyeshadow. Maybe a clear or brown mascara is ok, and lipgloss. I've been wearing lipgloss since I was 10. But that's about it. By the way I'm not a 60 yr. old, old-fashioned old lady, I'm 15 and I wear make-up and tweeze my eyebrows. She should wait 'till she's at least 14 or 15.
i dont. I think your to young to do that but im not gunna go tell you how to live your life.
I think it's okay for her to get her eyebrows waxed. But I don't think it's okay for eyeshadow and lipstick. She should try lipgloss instead.
Yes why not! but keep the lipstick to lipgloss..and pale eyeshadows nothing too bright.

eyebrows waxed deffintley! she is nearly a teenager. I dont think she is rushing into growing up too early, but nowadays children from 10 even start wearing makeup. she might just be following her friends.

make sure she keeps it simple though! x
I think adults give less credit then deserved to young teenagers and kids. In my opinion, 12 is older then you may think it is. The girl is probably just feeling self conscious about her looks, like most girls her age, and wearing eyeshadow, lipstick, and having her eyebrows waxed makes her feel better. It's absolutely fine.
My opinion,..way too young, she is going to attract the older guys, and she will not be old enough to know how to handle the situations that she will be forced into. Where is her mother...???
I don't think so, but it's not up to me, or anyone else answering this question. It's up to the caretaker.
i think getting her eyebrows waxed is ok.....eyeshadow try light natural colors...but no....

maybe clear lipgloss..just let her wear make up as long as it looks natural...
yeah, its fine.

if i were her i'd were lipgloss but that's just my opinion.

i'm 14 and i've been getting my eyebrows waxed since i was 11.

and for the eyeshawdow i started wearing it around the age of 8 or 9.
Whatever the 12 year old wants to spend her money on.
she's crazy. why get her eyebrows waxed now?
I think a 12 year old should most definitely not e able to wear makeup.I know kids these days look much older then they are but at that age i think it is just unacceptable .Where is your niece getting this makeup from? Where exactly is she wearing this makeup to.I would try to explain to her that right now her natural beauty is all she needs right now.
yes of course its ok! just let her be happy! it will only upset her if you tell her not to wear it! let the poor girl enjoy herself shes growing up!
NOT at all at this age !!

WAX ??? My my.. where does she get the $$

Yes, your neice is just rushing to grow up %26amp; she's gonna spoil her skin in no time too :).

I feel it's a It's peer pressure thingy %26amp; also she's growing up. A little gloss %26amp; eyeliner will do-natural.

In my country, elementry %26amp; high school students wear school uniforms regardless if it's private or government, no make up, standard shoes, no colored hair - this is to promote equality among all.

Basically, make up does ages women from teens to their early 30s :(
it depends on how far they are going with it all-it is ok if it is subtle

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