Friday, December 4, 2009

Do you find it okay for a 15 yr old to wear this color lipstick?

I dress very classy and I like to look classy and of course most 15 yr olds usually wear lip gloss or chapstick I like red lipstick. But i never wore it in public, and im afriad i'll get weird looks lol.

I like this color-鈥?/a>

If you saw a 15 yr old wearing that lipstick, would you look at her in a weird way?Do you find it okay for a 15 yr old to wear this color lipstick?
Well i got this Estee Lauder lipstick when i was about 15, and i fell in love with a shade called ';Hot Kiss.'; It's a dark red brown. Everyone said they loved it on me, so if you can pull it off. Why not! Wear whatever colour lipstick you want! Don't worry about what people think.. if you like it, thats all that matters. Hope this helps :)Do you find it okay for a 15 yr old to wear this color lipstick?
Depends on how old she looks. If she looks like a 12y/o and she's all dolled up, it might look awkward, like she is trying too hard to look older, when she's not. However if she looks her age, or older, I think it would achieve what you are going for, especially if the rest of your make-up is done nicely and you pull the look off in a classy way.

It's not an outrageous color, it's actually rather attractive I think. Try it out lightly, put a layer on, then dab some off with a tissue or napkin so as to tone down the color a little, and try it out in public.
nope look you don't need to worry about other ppl as long as your happy. I mean I like dressing classy and wearing heels and silk blousees and such i mean it's how I was raised with class a poised but i do have an edgy side also I would just say be careful try to downplay it a bit if you wear a dark lip then do a natural eye and if you do a dark eye to a nude lip and so forth im 13 and can't wear red lipstick cuz I look like im 20 i mean i can't do anything about it its my bone structure I mean without make up I look 17 anyway so I just gave up and when someone is like oo so your 17 -20 im like yep.
I think it looks very classy and glamorous on you. I wouldn't think badly of you if I just saw you wearing that particular shade of lipstick. I think you shouldn't wear it so much in a casual place like school, though. It might make you look too dressy.

Also, I personally don't think you look 15. So I don't think your age matters that much in your case.
Honestly, it depends. I wouldnt like my 15 year old daughter walking around in lipstick ( if i had a daughter ) So you kind of have to discuss that with your parents. Second, If I were to see a 15 year old girl walk in lipstick I wouldnt give a dirty look. It depends on what you think. Just because all the other girls wear it doesnt mean you have to. Also try it before you buy it. You may not find it very comforting to wear and might even waste your money. My honest opinion do what you want, but dont cross any lines. There are people who do things because they want to. Like gothic people for example, they dress up and don't care what others think. Maybe thats your approach. Aslong as you like it, do it.
wait till your a little older. some girls dont know how to put lipstick on well and makes them look like......................umm, how to put it this way, a slut. sorry if this offended you, but if you know how to put it well or know someone who knows it will look good.

also this may look better on different skin tones than others.
Is that you? You're beautiful! and I love the kitty :)

I personally think that the color looks very nice. At 15 you're lucky you don't need much make-up to look hot, so I do suggest you don't wear it every single day b/c when you don't have it on you will look really pale.
You are a very beautiful ';GIRL'; not yet a woman... tone it down... you have natural it while you can. Stick with gloss...less is more! I am sure you have been told this you know who you look like??? If not ,her first name is BETTY... not an insult by far... you should get into a look alike contest... i bet you will win!! I can't believe the how much you look like her...amazing!!!!!! Hope i helped
If I saw a 15 yearold yearing that I would think...

1. Prostitute

2. sluttiest girl at school

3. where is her father

4. is that her grandma's lipstick?

5. wtf

6. why do you need to wear it?

7. are you from the 40's

8. and WTF
The color of the lipstick in the photo is very cute (even for a 15 year old) because its a subtle red, but if you are thinking of wearing a darker red, I wouldn't recommend it for a 15 year old. Hope that helps :)
is that you? If you have dark hair then id go for it.. light hair im not so sure.. but that colour would look nice, any brighter though than yes probably! To school or somethng you may get the odd thing, but if you like it go for it, you might even start something! ;)
You can't just wear a lipstick shade because you like its color. You have to see how it looks on you first. If you put it on and it's way too loud, then of course you're going to get weird looks.
yeah, it would be weird. unless you want to look like an old lady that wears bright red lip stick all the time regardless of what she is wearing. i would go with something more natural unless you want to be tacky.
in my opinion, young people should just go natural, except for lip gloss and a little makeup. try it on and if it's REALLY bold, go with something milder. makeup can ruin your face.
I think it looks fantastic on you and not the least odd or strange. PLEASE! It goes well with your features and complexion.

GO FOR IT. Wear it with confidence! I wish I could find lipstick that looked that good on me.
Hard to say...


You look awesome!

Honestly some people especially most girls don't look at you unless their either jealous of you or think you're a threat to them with really cure guys! Try it out! You never know but you do look great!
I don't see any problem with the way you're wearing it. When you have 10 pounds of green eyeshadow on, and a tiny shirt, that's when the issues start.
mm... i think it really depends on your style, if its you, go for it, don't care what other people think!

but it your style is compeltely different than red lipstick.. if that make sense, dont wear it.
its not too bright, i say go for it! you should try to put a thin coat of gloss over it so you won't get weird looks. Just be you and don't worry about others.
You're a sophomore in high school, right? That shade would be fine. You said you dress classy, so it's not like you'll look like a skank or anything. I wouldn't worry about it.
i wouldnt give you weird looks. i like it! the color is not that dark. if it was dark red maybe but with that color you'll be fine!

good luck!
if it looks good and not trashy, it'll be fine. but if i were you i'd get a friend/family member to give you a second opinion.
I think its a really pretty color :D

But you shouldn't worry too much about what other people think when it comes to what you like.

You like it? so you should wear it! :)

It looks ok to me, but you should adopt the color of your lipstick according to the situation. Some may find the color too strong for your age.
it;s fine Just it makes you look older!

will anyone answer my question?;鈥?/a>
No because it isn't a really deep red, and if you have pale skin it looks good because you aren't washed out.
Nah, as long as it matches your style. I love classy, elegant clothes with red lipstick too.

she looks a lot older about 20 and their could be consequences

hint older guys mean young pg girl
i dont really care wat colour other peoples lipstik is.unless it was lyk green or sumfin, then id stare at them.

thatd b funny...
yea express yourself! Any color looks good!

It would sort of surprise me but not really :D

10 points and I give you 10 of them for free!!! Just kidding I know i'm not going to get it for being weird lol

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