Friday, June 25, 2010

Is anyone disappointed that Lipstick Jungle is getting cancelled?

Because I am! I guess, it's not too popular, and was wondering if anyone else liked it?Is anyone disappointed that Lipstick Jungle is getting cancelled?
If you like the show and want to help save it, make sure you keep watching, write to NBC and sign the petition. All the info is here:Is anyone disappointed that Lipstick Jungle is getting cancelled?
Yes, I'm disappointed too. I'm the one who put up the question asking how they count the viewership. I TIVO the show. Do they take those numbers into consideration. Are only the viewers who do not have modern technology being counted? The technology sav vy people are probably the viewers most likely to buy the products being advertised. They have more money than people without taping devices. After all, it's the advertisers who decide whether or not a show stays on. Perhaps the whole way they count viewers needs to be reconsidered.
Oh I am so mad about this. I really like that show.

Remember when it first started they had Lipstick Jungle and Cashmere Mafia on together and even though they were basically a carbon copy of each other I didn't care because I liked both of them.

Then they canceled Cashmere Mafia so I said ok I am sorry to see it go but we still have Lipstick Jungle. Now they have gone and canceled that.

I really don't know why they canceled it that was a good show, even my boyfriend liked that show and he usually don't go for the ';chick'; shows(that's what he calls shows like that).

I am bummed out.
I'm so mad that they are canceling this show! They put it on Friday nights! If they would move it to Monday it would totally pick up more viewers! I can't believe they always do this! They leave dumb shows like Kath and Kim but take away the good ones! How is it that Kath and Kim are so much better then Lipstick Jungle? I don't think that's possible.
I am very disappointed. I LOVED that show! :( The clothing and Rodrigo!
I just got into this fall and I love it, my sister called to tell me it got cancelled and now im all disappointed.
I just found out and im mad...i thought it was really good and i really wanted to watch the next episode...i hate it when they cancel good tv shows...damnn it
I'm super bummed that it's being canceled. I think it's a good show and I love to watch it... It's too bad...
Yes I am so upset. I really like it, so much better than Cashmere Mafia!!

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